Embracing the Mystery: Finding Inspiration and Spirituality in Everyday Life
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."
-Albert Einstein
The words “spirituality” and “respiration” come from the same root word, meaning breathe.
If we can become inspired — to find inspiration in everyday life, we are living in a spiritual manner.
To be inspired, we must tend to the feelings of awe, wonder, reverie, curiosity, and appreciation.
Can you allow yourself to view the worlds through the lens of your Child at Heart?
Can you allow yourself to feel grateful for the opportunities that sit before you?
Can you allow yourself to admire the true Beauty of this work of art in which we live?
This life is magnificent, and it can be a wonderful adventure depending on the lens through which we view it.
For this reason, Gautama Buddha emphasized the importance of the training of the mind through concentration and focus.
If one can actively observe the sensations and thoughts which arise in each passing moment, one can also choose which states of mind are cultivated and solidified in the long-term.
If you may be going through a particularly challenging painful or challenging life experience, keep in mind that you always have the ability to focus on opportunity and excitement for growth, rather than pain.
You choose that which takes root in the garden of your mind.
May you be well — always,
Max Kristopher Komes