Feel Yourself — Alive…

Feel yourself — Alive.

Feel emotions arise… yet, don't get caught up in them.

Emotions are simply the results of thoughts responding to the various sensations of the body.

They are simply associations with the various stimuli of life…

and they tend to be bound to past chains of thoughts and sensations.

Break the chain.

Abide in the Stillness of the True Self which sits just behind all of this drama.

You are inherently Peaceful.

This is your True Nature.

Max Kristopher Komes

Max Komes is a Masters-level Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern offering supervised in-person counseling services in Pensacola, Florida, as well as statewide.

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This writing is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have imminent health concerns, please call 1-800-NAMI.


Crafting an Inner Monologue of Empowerment


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